Support our Mission

contribute a donation today

Why give?

  • We prioritize making our unique educational opportunities both affordable and accessible. Donations go directly to scholarships for Studio Sessions and the ABCC.

  • A-B Projects is the only organization offering a certificate in conceptual ceramics. The ABCC is not a replacement for a higher education degree, but it is definitely an alternative. It’s a fraction of the price of an MFA or a Post-Bac degree, but it’s still cost-prohibitive for many people. Your donation can fund this year-long program for an individual with financial need.

  • Generosity is a core principle at A-B Projects. State of Ceramics events are always, and will always, be free to the public. We also share all of the resources we develop for these events in our Open Source Curriculum.

  • Our Director works on a volunteer basis. Donations help us pay our support staff and fund our basic operating costs.

  • We operate as a non-profit organization. A-B Projects accepts grant funding through our fiscal sponsor; we rely upon these grants and individual giving to support our mission.

  • When you give to A-B Projects, you give to the expanded ceramics community.