Enrolling in the ABCC

Enrolling in the ABCC is an exciting decision that can alter the trajectory of your practice.

Here’s how to get started!

1. Complete the one prerequisite for the program: participate in a Studio Session. If you have a great experience and think the ABCC might be right for you, then:

2. Email admin@a-bprojects.com to set up an introductory interview with A-B Projects director Nicole Seisler. Nicole will ask you a series of questions to help determine if the ABCC is a good fit for you and your goals. If you both agree that the ABCC will push your practice in the directions you desire, then:

3. Determine when you would like to start the ABCC and send us an email! The ABCC is tailored to fit into your schedule—with this in mind, you can literally start the ABCC whenever you want. We’ll create a contract just for you that outlines the dates, deadlines, and details for your entire program.

4. Payment for the Foundation Hours of the ABCC is due no later than three weeks before the start of your ABCC. Payment for the Elective Hours will be due by month 7 of your program.

5. Once you have signed your contract and selected your Advisors, you can enroll in the ABCC!

If you’ve done all of the above, then go ahead and